Great Glen - 9/10/22

Results PDF Soon…

Lo, and on the 6th day the team arrived at Great Glen with much aplomb. Harken, is that cannon fire in the distance? Vikings, vikings! Beware the berserkers! Wait…’tis just musket fire. And nary a worry, as Kendra perfected knife-throwing on the warm-up through the ville. Over hill and dale the racers trod the trail on the course walk, undaunted by the “Dragon’s Corridor”, “Frenchman’s Curve” nor the much feared “Twister”.

Harken - it is time for the race of the Junior Varsity! And thus they were off, stampeding feet and beating hearts! Beware the Irving on the bike - lest you walk up a hill - he is everywhere! Finally, stampeding to the finish in record time comes our brave harriers in a group - Sydney, Emmaleigh, Anna, and Keira - the freshmen with gargantuan PR’s! The crown awaited with bated breath the arrival of the next…Tessa, and another PR! Lydia and Taylor strode forth from the dank woods to complete the episode.

Fear not, ye lovers of race, for another call to the line has sounded and it is time for the varsity! Off, to the sound of the bugle whistle - they bound down the lane like deer in the fall. Down the dale, up the hill, around frypan corner they flew, never quitting, never giving an inch. “This is madness!”, one squirrel shrieked. In the end it was Sam, with fire streaming from her spikes, crossing in a season-best time. Next, in a PR, it’s Lily, yelling “I scorn you, scurvy competitor!” as she flashes past everyone in the homestretch. Now Maddy, a lion running like a gazelle - through the line as MV’s 3rd! Now Violet, with her magic making the second half of the trail entirely downhill, overcoming great obstacles to finish as our 4th. Now, valiantly, Jessi and Kendra stride forth, having fought off bears (Newfound) and other beasts to surge across the line. And Victoria - nary 30 seconds later, stalking and hunting runners to the end. Three cheers for the Pride of the Valley!

Finally, it’s Coach Irving’s turn. Despite tremendous encouragement from the team, he loafed and loitered, stumbled and slid, until finally the line was there to receive his near-dead body. Straight to the water did he go, lest he should melt away into a pool of sweat.

A rapturious dinner was provided by Five Guys, courtesy of cows - both in beef and milkshake form, wrapping up another wonderful day in the mountains. Rejoice!